Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology
The faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) is a faculty within the Southern University College (Southern UC). It was established on August 12, 2012 after Southern College (SC) was upgraded to Southern UC. The history reaches back to two decades ago, when the Department of Computer Science was first established in 1991. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering was established in 2004. These two departments were then integrated and renamed as the School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) in March 2006.
Nestled in the intricate beauty of lush greeneries and foliage, the faculty is on the second floor of Southern UC’s main building. Currently, 40% of the academic staff have Ph.D specializing in various engineering fields.
With experienced and highly qualified teaching staff and state of the art facilities in the faculty, the diplomas and degree programs offered are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and/ or recognized by the Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC).

Vision & Mission
To uniquely position the Faculty as a leader in innovation and excellence in engineering and computer science through education, research and scholarship in a professional framework reflecting our social responsibility.
To educate the next generation of leaders in the Engineering and Information Technology profession and they can put their knowledge to work for society.
FEIT has set the following objectives in its establishment:
1. To provide high-quality and all round education in engineering and information technology
2. To produce competent engineers and IT professionals capable of dealing effectively with sophisticated engineering and IT problems.
3. To promote innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurship in the field of software and electronics engineering development.
4. To help the country in achieving its goal as a developed country in terms of the number of professionals in the fields of engineering and ICT.
Faculty Message
2024/07/22 – Google-Fu and AI Tools Workshop for SMK Mutiara Rini 2
2024/06/27 – SUC Visitation to UTM AI Seminar
2023/01/05 & 06 – R.I.C.E. 2023
2022/09/28 – Congratulation to Dr. Kang Eng Siew for receiving Research Excellent Award
2022/08/29 & 30 – Tech Fest’22 is Back!
2022/08/25 – Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering signed a MOU with IEM
2022/06/20 – Excellent Achievement in the MTE 2022
2022/06/07 – Excellent Achievement in the IIC 2022
2022/05/26 – Excellent Achievement in the ITEX 2022
2021/12/13 – Excellent Achievement in the ITEX 2021
2021/11/22 – Excellent Achievement in the IN-VIDE 2021
2021/11/01 – Southern UC Signed a MOA with Pelentong Electronic Industries Sdn Bhd for Industrial Collaboration on Student Final Year Project