南方大学学院坐落于马来西亚柔佛州新山士古来的金芭山上,处在马来西亚依斯干达(Iskandar Malaysia)经济特区中心,占地32.5英亩,其中15英亩为慈善老人萧畹香先生1988年之献地,9.5英亩1995年由萧老以优惠价转让,另8英亩则于2013年增购。随着经济特区内的建设发展,南方大学学院有望在未来跃升为国家重点发展院校之一,走向国际舞台。南方大学学院的校园风景宜人,富有浓厚的中华民族色彩及多元文化气息,体现多姿多彩、共荣共存的特色。
目前,南方大学学院共有7个学院、3个学部及8个研究中心。7个学院为艺术与设计学院、企业与管理学院、中医药学院、中华语言文化学院、工程与资讯学院、人文与社会学院、研究生与研究学院。3个学部为大学基础学部、专业与推广教育学部和南方技职教育学院,8个研究中心则是华人文化与族群研究所、马来西亚研究中心、商业与经济研究中心、创意设计研究中心、人工智能与物联网研究中心、人文社会科学研究中心、传统中医药研究中心,以及教育、心理学与辅导研究中心。 南方大学学院现处在《新发展愿景》当中,积极为升格成为一所完整大学,努力迈进,争取于2030年成为国际知名的大学
• 宽柔中学开设专科部,共50位学生报读商学系课程。
• 专科部开办马来学系,为全国独中培训师资,来自全国各地共40位同学就读此系。
• 宽柔中学董事长拿督郭鹤尧建议开设专科职业学府,以提供管道让无法进入政府职专的高中毕业生就读。
• 宽中董事会正式向教育部申请在宽柔专科部的基础上成立“宽柔学院”。
• 教育部来函拒绝开设宽柔学院。
• On the eve of Johor Bahru Parliamentary district by-election, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir attended the joint Chinese New Year Celebration of Johor Bahru’s Chinese societies.
• Dato’ Low Nam Hui, the Chairman of Persekutuan Tiong-hua Johor Bahru, proposed to Dr. Mahathir for approving the application of setting up Foon Yew College and the proposal was taken into consideration; Dr. Mahathir reminded that the college should follow the National Education Act and open for students of all races.
• 新山国会选区补选前夕,首相马哈迪医生出席新山华社新春团拜。
• 中华公会会长拿督刘南辉向首相要求批准开办宽柔学院,获首相答应考虑此项申请,但学院必须遵照国家教育法令及开放予各族学生就读。
• Mr. Woon See Chin, Deputy Minister of Education, met with the representatives of Foon Yew Board of Directors to discuss the procedures of setting up the Foon Yew College.
• 副教育部长云时进律师会见宽柔中学董事部代表,商讨申办学院注册事宜。
• The Ministry of Education approved the application of setting up the college based on the National Education Act 1961, with the conditions that the name of the college must be changed to “Southern College” and the campus must be separated from Foon Yew High School.
• 教育部依据1961年教育法令批准学院申办,惟校名需更改为南方学院并及校址必须与宽柔中学分开。
• 慈善老人萧畹香献议捐献位于士古来路8哩半金芭山15英亩的土地充作南院新校园之用。
• Foon Yew Board of Directors wrote to Ministry of Education by saying that they agreed to change the college’s name to “Southern College”.
• 宽中董事会复函予教育部,同意将校名改为“南方学院”。
• The Ministry of Education approved the temporary usage of Foon Yew High School’s new library as the classrooms of Southern College.
• 教育部批准暂用宽柔中学庄新培图书楼为南院临时校舍。
• Southern College Board of Directors and Governors was officially formed and Dr. Chong Swee Huat was appointed as the President.
• 创院董理事会正式成立,张瑞发博士受委为创院院长。
• Southern College registered as a non-profit company, with eight founders, namely Datuk Kuek Ho Yao, Dato’ Low Nam Hui, Mr. Siow Wan Heong, Mr. Huang Fu Seng, Mr. Chern Yen Ming, Mr. Goh Hui Beng JP and Dato’ Cheng Heng Chou.
• 非盈利有限公司正式成立,八位发起人为拿督郭鹤尧、拿督刘南辉、萧畹香、黄复生、陈燕鸣、曾振强、吴惠明局绅及拿督郑庭洲。
• 近300名学生迁入宽柔中学庄新培图书楼上课
• The First General Meeting convened, and Datuk Kuek Ho Yao was elected as the first Chairman of Board of Directors. Mr. Huang Fu Seng as the Chairman of Board of Governors and Dato’ Usman Awang, the National Literary Award Winner, was appointed as a non-Chinese member of Board of Governors.
• 首届会员大会正式召开,拿督郭鹤尧当选董事长,理事长为黄复生先生,国家文学奖获奖人Dato’ Usman Awang 受委为首任非华人理事。
• The Board of Directors appointed Prof. Wu Teh Yao, Prof. Wong Gung Wu and Dr. Gwee Yee Hean as the first batch of Academic Consultants for Southern College.
• 董事会通过聘请国际著名学者吴德耀教授、香港大学校长王赓武教授与新加坡国立大学魏维贤博士担任南院创校期学术咨询顾问。
• The students of Advanced Studies Programme were transferred to Southern College and became its first batch students.
• 宽柔专科部马来学系及商学系在籍学生转入南方学院,成为南院首批学生。
• Board of Directors traveled across the country in order to form District Development Committees for raising the Southern College Building Fund, and the target of first phase was RM 20 million.
• 董事会走访全国筹组各区发展委员会,协助筹募建校基金,首期目标为两千万元。
• 除了原有的马来学系及商学系,学院新增设电脑系课程。
• Under the effort of Director Chang Chan Chuan, the Nanyang University Alumni Canada donated RM100, 000 as the Southern College Building Fund.
• 在张灿泉董事的极力推动下,加拿大南大校友热心捐献10万令吉充南院建校基金。
• With an enrolment of 281 students in Business, Malay and Computer Studies, the first commencement ceremony was held. Dato’ Usman Awang, our national poet composed a poem to celebrate Southern College.
• 281名商学系、马来学系及新成立的电脑系新生出席历史性的始业式,国家文学奖得主Dato’ Usman Awang特撰写马来诗歌贺南院正式开课。
• 新山中华公会捐献南院一百万建校基金。
• Persekutuan Tiong-hua Johor Bahru menyumbangkan RM1 Juta kepada Kolej Selatan sebagai Tabung Pembinaan Kolej Selatan.
• 糖王郭鹤年慨捐马币两百万充南院建校基金,新山五帮会馆亦各捐献马币10万充建校基金。
• En. Robert Kuok, usahawan terkenal Malaysia dan Pengusaha gula terbesar di Malaysia turut menyumbang RM 2 Juta kepada dana pembangunan Kolej Selatan. Lima Persatuan Dialek di Johor Bahru juga turut menyumbang RM100,000 masing-masing.
• 南院举办第一届毕业典礼,共59名毕业生荣获文凭
• Malaya’s Association of Nanyang University Graduates held a fund-raising dinner and raised RM 100,000 for Southern College Building Fund.
• 马来亚南大校友会举办晚宴筹得10万令吉捐南院建校基金。
• Dato’ Tan Beng Tong formed the Southern College Building Fund Committee in Segamat and organised “Southern Nite” charity show, successfully raising RM 1.5 million for Southern College Building Fund.
• 昔加末县在拿督陈孟通领导下成立了筹募南院建校基金委员会并举行“南院之夜”义演,成功筹获马币150万充南院建校基金。
• The “Alumni’s Day” was held and presented Southern College Academic Qualification Certificates to Foon Yew Advanced Studies Programme alumni.
• 主办专科部校友回校日,同时颁发“南院学术资格证明书”予南院前身宽柔专科部校友。
• The Ministry of Education approved setting up of English Studies program and it was commenced in June.
• 教育部批准开办英文系,同年6月英文系正式开课。
• The Ground Breaking Ceremony of Southern College New Campus was officiated by Mr. Siow Wan Heong, the donor of the campus land.
• 举行校舍奠基典礼,由校地捐献人萧畹香主持打桩仪式。
• Organized first phase construction MOU signing ceremony and promoted the tree-planting campaign.
• 举行首期建校工程签约仪式,并推展“长青松柏献南院”植树活动,共筹得200余万令吉充建校基金。
• The “Golden Brick for Southern College” campaign was launched and managed to raise an amount of RM 500, 000.
• 推展“金砖献南院”活动,筹获逾50万元。
• New campus costing RM 20 Million in construction has completed. Southern College shifted from Foon Yew High School to the new campus and started to operate.
• 耗资马币2千万的新校舍竣工,南院全体师生正式迁入新校园。
• The College Anthem was composed, the music by the famous musician Mr. Tan Hooi Song and the lyric by famous writer Mr. Tai Boon Kong.
• 南院校歌诞生,由著名音乐家陈徽崇作曲,资深教育工作者兼马华写作人戴文光作词。
• Chinese Studies program was officially launched with large students’ enrolment.
• 中文系开课,报读学生额满。
• “Journey of a Thousand Miles”, organized by Southern College, was launched nationwide, raising a total of RM 680, 000.
• “薪传南院万里行”开跑,全马各地持续进行活动,共筹获近68万令吉充建校基金。
• The first issue of Southern Today was published.
• 《今日南院》创刊号出版。
• Mahua Literature Centre was officially established.
• 马华文学馆正式成立。
• Mr. Huang Fu Seng retired from the position as the second Chairman of Board of Directors, and Mr. Goh Hui Beng JP took over his responsibilities. The Board of Directors decided to appoint Mr. Huang Fu Seng and Datuk Kuek Ho Yao as Permanent Honorary Chairman.
• 第二任董事长黄复生先生卸下董事长职,由吴惠明局绅接任;董事会通过委任黄复生及拿督郭鹤尧为永久名誉董事长。
• The Southern College’s portal was launched with the design and hard work of Mr. So Yong Quay, the Head of Department of Computer Studies and his students.
• 南院网页在电脑系主任苏永贵及该系学生的努力筹划下正式启用。
• The Continuing Education Center was officially established.
• 推广教育中心正式成立。
• The Ground-Breaking Ceremony of the Students’ Hostel and “Xing Chen Lou” (Staffs’ Hostel) was held.
• 学生宿舍及专家楼(星辰楼)举行动土仪式。
• The Ministry of Education approved the setting up of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.
• 教育部正式发出准证批准开办电子电工系。
• At the 9th Graduation Ceremony, the College set up the “Seow Wan Heong’s Spirit Award” in order to commemorate the contributions of Mr. Seow Wan Heong to Southern College.
• 为表扬已故萧畹香对南院的奉献,在第九届毕业典礼上增设“萧畹香精神奖”。
• The “17th National Chinese Cultural Festival” was held, presenting an epic drama entitled “Nan Fang Zhi Lu” (The Path to the South).
• 举办“第17届全国华人文化节”,呈现大型史诗舞台剧《南方之路》。
• On 15th of October, the Opening Ceremony of New Campus was held. The Deputy Prime Minister Y.A.B. Datuk Seri Abdullah bin Hj. Ahmad Badawi was • Guest of Honour to officiate the ceremony. The “Walking Along With Southern College” Anniversary Dinner was held and there were more than 3,000 people attended.
• 10月15日,举办校园落成开幕典礼,由副首相拿督斯里阿都拉巴达威主持开幕仪式;当晚举行“与南院同行”校庆晚宴,筵开300余席。
• The Students’ Hostel and “Xing Chen Lou” (Staffs’ Hostel) were officially open for occupation.
• 学生宿舍及星辰楼(专家楼)启用。
• The “Chinese Ethnicity & Culture Research Centre” was officially launched.
• “华人族群与文化研究中心”开幕。
• In order to conform to the new era of education and abide the rules of Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), the Board of Directors approved the restructure of semester system; starting from year 2002, the programs of Southern College will be conducted within two years of two years and eight months.
• 董、理事会通过接纳学制改革建议 ,即自2002年新学年开始 ,将三学年制改为二年至二年八个月不等的新学制,以顺应时代教育的趋势及遵循国家学术鉴定局的规定。
• With the sponsorship of “Academic Fund of Seow Wan Heong”, the Mahua Literature Centre continued to publish the literary magazine Jiao Feng which had ceased publication for a long time.
• 马华文学馆在“萧畹香学术基金”的经济支援下为华文纯文学刊物“蕉风”复刊。
• The Opening Ceremony of “Hua Yuan”was launched and officiated by Dato’ Dr. Chua Soi Lek. A lighting ceremony of “Xing Chen Lou” was officiated at the same time by Datin Seri Maggie Chong, the wife of Dato’ Seri Joseph Chong.
• 南院“华园”开幕,由拿督蔡细历医生主持,星辰楼由拿督斯里庄智雅夫人拿汀斯里周星辰主持亮灯开幕。
• The “Southern Press” was officially established, Prof. Tay Lian Soo was appointed as the Director.
• “南方学院出版社”正式成立,由著名学者郑良树教授担任社长。
• Dr. Chong Swee Huat retired from his position as the first President and appointed as the Executive Consultant of Board of Directors. Dr. Thock Kiah Wah was appointed as the second President of Southern College.
• 创院院长张瑞发博士荣休,转任董事会执行顾问;祝家华博士受委为第二任院长。
• The first “Southern Salon” was launched and received very good response.
• 第一场“南方沙龙”正式开讲,获得热烈回响。
• The Board of Directors approved to use the motto of “Self-renewal, Virtue, Nature” taken from I-Ching, at the same time launched Southern College Academic Journal and announced the “1368” 5-year Action Plans for upgrading the College to University.
• 董事会通过以《易经》乾坤两卦中的“自强不息,厚德载物”为校训,并创办《南方学院学报》,同时发布为期5年的“1368”升格大学行动纲领。
• The “Entrepreneurial and Incubation Centre” was officially established.
• “创业育成中心”正式成立。
• The College held the first “Southern Arts, Humanity & Culture Festival” and launched the “Inaugural Southern Humanity Spirit Award”. The award – “Nan Fang Zhi Ding” (“Ding” of Southern) was designed by the famous artist Mr. Tan Swie Hian. He is also the first person received the award. The College also launched the new image of Southern College and the five Schools of the College: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Business and Management, School of Engineering and Information Technology, School of Art and Design, School of Professional and Continuing Education.
• 举办第一届“南方人文艺季”,创设“南方人文精神奖—南方之鼎”,该鼎由著名马新全方位艺术家陈瑞献所设计,同时他也获颁首届南方人文精神奖;推出南院新形象及五大学部:人文与社会学部、企业与管理学部、工程与资讯学部、艺术与设计学部、专业与推广教育学部。
• The “Centre of Innovative in Teaching and Learning” and “Modern Language Centre” was established.
• 成立创意教与学中心及现代语言中心。
• The stone with the wordings “Great Learning Way” designed by Mr. Tan Swie Hian was unveiled and installed in “Hua Yuan”.
• 陈瑞献所设计的“大学之道”石碑于“华园”中揭幕。
• The College submitted the first proposed plan of Upgrading to University to the Ministry of Higher Education for approval.
• 首次将升格大学计划书呈交高教部。
• The “Southern New Media Centre” was established.
• 南方新媒体中心开幕。
• The Multi-Purpose Hall Building was open for use and the 17th Graduation Ceremony was first held in the Dato’ Seri Joseph Chong Hall.
• 综合大楼正式启用,并首次于该大楼内的智雅大礼堂内举行第17届毕业典礼。
• The College paid a visit to the Ministry of Higher Education and presented the proposed of Upgrading to University. Feedback received from the ministry was positive.
• 到高教部汇报升格大学计划,并获得正面评价,为升格大学加分。
• The Department of Education was established, the “Signing Ceremony for the Education Collaboration between Southern College, East China Normal University and Chinese Independent Secondary Schools” was held and “Malaysian Chinese Independent Secondary School Certificate in Education Training Program” was launched.
• 开办教育系,正式与上海华东师范大学及柔佛5所独中签约,开办第一届独中师资培训班。
• 成立青年体育部属下的“青年之友”秘书处。
• 举行“百年树人教育基金”推介礼,筹款目标马币一千万。
• The 3+0 twinning degree program of Accounting and Finance with University of Wales, UK was officially approved and launched; 10 diploma courses received Accreditation from Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).
• 获准开办3+0会计与金融双联学士课程,十项专业文凭课程获国家学术鉴定机构(MQA )最高认证。
• Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai, the Minister of Health officiated the Ground-Breaking Ceremony of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Building.
• 卫生部长拿督斯里廖中莱为中医大楼主持动土仪式。
• The 11th diploma courses received Accreditation from Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).
• 课程最高认证增至11项。
• The College submitted the improved proposed plan of Upgrading to University to the Ministry of Higher Education. At the same time the Senior Officers from the ministry visited the College for the first time with the purpose to make inspection.
• 再次呈交升格大学计划书,高教部高级官员首次莅访南院视察。
• The College increased the twining Bachelor (Hons) programs to 3.
• 3+0学士课程增至3项。
• 20th Anniversary Celebration and the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of Confucius. The statue was contributed by Dr. Tang En Jia, the President of The Confucian Academy Hong Kong.
• 举办20周年校庆活动暨万世师表孔子铜像揭幕仪式,该铜像由香港孔教学院院长汤恩佳博士捐赠。
• The College moved toward the second phase of transformation – “2368”: the Second 5-years Action Plans.
• 迈入2368第二个五年转型革新阶段。
• “The Launching Ceremony of Activation of Electronic Board for Countdown of Foon Yew Education Village 100th Anniversary” was held.
• 举行“宽柔学村百年校庆”倒数电子看板启动仪式。
• The College held the “Mid-Autumn Festival – Jump Party” for the first time, The response was overwhelming.
• 学院主办首届“离开地球表面——中秋嘉年华会”,反应热烈,轰动南马
• “Opening Ceremony of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Building” was held by H.E. Chai Xi, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Malaysia.
• “丹斯里拿督张愈昌暨潘斯里拿汀程赛菊中医大楼”落成,由中国驻马大使柴玺阁下主持启用典礼。
• The Southern Traditional Chinese Medical Centre began its service to the public.
• 中医门诊部正式启用。
• The “Sim Mow Yu Chinese Education and Teacher Training Centre” was established.
• “沈慕羽华教与师资培训中心”正式成立。
• Y.B. Dato’ Seri Khaled Bin Nordin, the Minister of Higher Education visited the College and handed over the Invitation Letter for Upgrading to University College.
• 高教部部长拿督斯里卡立诺汀亲自莅访颁发升格大学学院邀请函。
• On 19th of June, the Ministry of Higher Education approved the application of the College for upgrading to University College, and approved the registration of “Southern University College” on 10th of August.
• 6月19日,高教部发函批准申请升格为大学学院,并于8月10日正式批准“南方大学学院”的注册。
• On 10th of November, Y.B. Dato’ Seri Khaled Bin Nordin, the Minister of Higher Education officiated the “Upgrading to Southern University College Ceremony”, and officially announced the establishment of Southern University College.
• 11月10日,高教部部长拿督斯里卡立诺汀亲临南院主持“升格大学典礼”,宣布南院正式升格为“南方大学学院”。
• On 17th of November, the University College held the “22nd Anniversary Celebrating Ceremony cum Opening Ceremony of Tan Sri Datuk Chang Joo Chiang Museum & Art Gallery and Traditional Chinese Medicine Building”, Dato’ Dr. Hou Kok Chung, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education officiated the ceremony. The University College also held the “Great Celebrating Dinner” by inviting the Y.B. Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, the Minister of Prime Minister Office as the Guest of Honor. There were over 5,000 persons attended the dinner and Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister donated RM 1 million to the Southern University College Education Fund.
• 11月17日,配合升格,举办22周年校庆暨丹斯里拿督张愈昌文物与艺术馆及中医大楼开幕典礼,邀得高教部副部长拿督何国忠博士担任主宾;举办“普天同庆,升格大学”校庆晚宴,筵开500席,并邀得首相署部长丹斯里许子根博士担任主宾,同时获得首相拿督斯里纳吉拨款100万令吉作为大学教育基金。
• Southern University College has been appointed as one of the examination sites of Chinese Oral Proficiency Test (HKC) in Malaysia. This would enhance the international image of Southern University College.
• 成为“汉语口语水平测试”(HKC)于马来西亚的其中一个考点,提升国际形象。
• “Southern Health Kitchen” was established on 29th January at the TCM Building to serve healthy food to the students, staff and the public.
• 1月29日,在中医楼开设的“南方养生厨房”开始营业,为学生、教职员和公众提供保健美食。
• The new symbols of 5 Faculties and 3 Schools were launched during the Opening Ceremony of Open Day on 23rd March.
• 3月23日,在开放日开幕仪式上推介五大学院和三大学步的新标志。
• The Fund Raising Campaign of International Education Thanksgiving Building was launched on 25th March. The target of this campaign is RM 15 Million.
• 3月25日,举行筹募国际教育感恩大楼建设基金推介礼,筹款目标为1,500万令吉。
• School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) and IDP Malaysia had signed an MOU on 25th April, thus allowing Southern University College to be the examination venue of IELTS.
• 4月25日,专业与推广教育学部与大马国际发展计划机构签署合约,让南方大学成为雅思考试中心。
• The Grand Dinner Ceremony of “Towards Multicultural University” was held on 29th April to welcome the visitation of Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Najib Tun Razak. The Prime Minister launched the Project of International Education Thanksgiving Building. He also announced to waive the tax on fund collection of RM30 Million for Southern University College.
• 4月29日,举办“迈向多元化大学”联欢晚宴,迎接首相纳吉莅访南方大学学院。首相为国际教育感恩大楼建设计划主持推介,并在会上宣布原则上批准南方大学学院豁免三千万令吉教育基金税务。
• The 22nd Convocation Ceremony for 424 graduands was held on 26th May and was officiated by Prof. Phua Kok Khoo. International Academic Seminar of “Multicultural University: Towards Challenge and Opportunity” was also conducted after the ceremony.
• 5月26日,第廿二届毕业典礼隆重举行,邀请著名学者兼企业家潘国驹教授主持开幕典礼。共有424位毕业生获颁学位文凭。随后举行“多元化大学:新大学的挑战和机遇”国际学术研讨会。
justify• Southern UC celebrated the establishment of Southern Poetry Club with numerous famous poets and organized the “Southern Poems Exhibition” and “Southern Poem Performance”.
• 6月14日,成立〈南方诗社〉,举办【南风起诗展】和【南风起诗演晚会】。
• 10 new Bachelor Degree Courses had been launched on 19th July. The 10 courses are Bachelor of Accounting (Hons), BBA (Hons) in Marketing, BBA (Hons)in Finance and Investment, Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)(Software Engineering), BA (Hons) in Chinese Studies, BA (Hons) in English, BA (Hons) in Malay Studies, Bachelor of Communication (Hons) (Mass Communication), Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Computer Graphic Design, BBA (Hons) in Tourism and Hospitality Management, and Diploma in Multimedia Design.
• 7月19日,推介10项新学士课程 ,包括会计、市场行销、金融与投资、软件工程、中文、英文、马来文、大众传播媒介、电脑绘制和旅游与酒店管理及多媒体专业文凭课程。
• With the approval obtained for Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (Electronics Engineering) course, an Electronic and Engineering Automated Lab has been set up on 2nd August 2013.
• 8月2日,配合电子工程学士课程获准开办,设立创新自动化实验室。
• A Ground Breaking Ceremony of International Education Building on 15th September 2013 has been held. Guests of Honour invited are Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Pheng Yin Huah, Tan Sri Dato’ Chang Joo Chiang, Tan Sri Dato’ Leong Hoy Kum, Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Chee Sing, Dato’ Seri Joseph Chong, Dato’ Kong Hon Kong, Mr. Goh Hui Beng, J.P., Datuk Teo Ah Khiang, Dato’ Tan Liang Soong and Mr. Lim Ik Kim.
• 9月15日,举行国际教育感恩大楼动土礼,恭请丹斯里拿督斯里方天兴、丹斯里拿督张愈昌、丹斯里拿督梁海金、丹斯里拿督陈志成、拿督斯里庄智雅、拿督邝汉光、吴惠明局绅、拿督张文强、拿督陈联顺和准拿督林奕钦联合主持动土典礼。
• “Jump Party 3” Lantern Festival organized a variety of exciting events on 21st September. It received enthusiastic response from the public.
• 9月21日,举办“离开地球表面3”中秋嘉年华,节目多彩缤纷,反应热烈。
• The 23rd Southern University College Anniversary has been held on 2nd November 2014. The series of event included Anniversary Celebration, Gala Banquet, 1st Community-Initiated Iskandar Malaysia Conference (CIMC1), Community and Campus Charity Bazaar, Prof. Teh Liang Soo’s Fund Raising Calligraphy and Artwork Exhibition and etc. The 1st Excellent Alumni Award and Southern Star Award were also awarded.
• 11月2日,庆祝第23周年校庆。举办一系列庆祝活动,包括校庆庆典、联欢晚宴、首届依斯干达经济特区研讨会、社区义卖会、大学区义卖会、郑良树教授个人书画展等。首度颁发“杰出校友奖”和“南方之星”。
• “The Asia New University, The Southern New Paradigm” International Conference held on 2nd and 3rd November, invited 14 renowned academicians from local and abroad to speak on the theme.
• 11月2日和3日,举办首届国际学术研讨会,邀得14位著名海内外学者进行主讲,主题是“亚洲新大学,南方新典范”。
• Southern UC organized “So Hot” Student Cultural Performance, which emphasize on the development history of Southern UC throughout 23 years. The performance was joined by Southern UC’s and Foon Yew High School’s students.
• 11月8日,举办“家在南方 So Hot”。南方大学与宽柔中学两校学生联合呈献精彩舞台剧,引领观众回顾南方大学从创立以来所经历的风雨岁月和成果。
• Southern UC obtained the sponsorship from “One Asia Foundation” worth USD $ 35,000 (est. RM 110,000), to conduct a series of seminars. This marks the first time an institute of higher education in Malaysia receive this sponsorship. The Foundation has appointed Prof. Wong Yoon Wah as the chairman of the programme.
• 11月11日,成为马来西亚首所荣获亚洲基金会赞助经费的大专学府。由王润华教授主导举办跨文化讲座系列。
• Southern UC signed an agreement with Impian Emas Developer on 28th December to purchase an 8-acres new land for future development.
• 11月28日,签署买卖合约, 向金山园发展商购买一片面积八英亩新校地作为未来发展用途。
• Under the “Star Alliance” Project, Southern UC has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese Independence High Schools from Central and Southern Malaysia region on 27th December, where students and their staff are able to enjoy discounts and promotions for further studying at Southern UC.
• 12月27日,与西马各独中签署“星光联盟”伙伴合约,让签约伙伴的毕业生和教职员以优惠学杂费到南方大学深造。
• Probase Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. had sponsored state-of-the-art materials, energy and technology to lay a RM50,000 new car park for Southern UC on 4th January 2014.
• 1月4日,校董萧清顺属下的Probase Manufacturing专业筑路公司赞助5万令吉建停车场,本校增加了130个停车。
• Board of Directors promoted the Golden Brick Campaign on 24th January to raise the International Education Building (IEB) development fund.
• Lembaga Pengarah KUS mempromosikan Kempen Bata Emas pada 24 Januari untuk mengutip dana pembangunan IEB.
justify• Set up of Southern University College Research Fund(SUCRF)on 17th March.
• Mewujudkan Dana Penyelidikan Kolej Universiti Selatan pada 17 Mac.
• On 6th April, Southern UC received an allocation of RM500,000 from Menteri Besar Johor Dato’ Seri Khalid Nordin.
justify• Pada 6 April, KUS telah menerima peruntukan sebanyak RM500,000 daripada Dato’ Seri Khaled Nordin, Menteri Besar Johor.
• After conducted a Chinese Education Charity Show, MCA Gelang Patah Division handed over a sum of RM525,145 to Southern UC as educational fund on 11th April.
• Setelah penganjuran Program Persembahan Kebajikan Pendidikan Cina, MCA Bahagian Gelang Patah menyerahkan sumbangan berjumlah RM525,145 kepada KUS sebagai dana pendidikan pada 11 April.
• Southern UC signed the “Star Alliance MOUs” with 9 Chinese Independent High Schools of Sabah on 16th April.
• KUS menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama “Star Alliance” dengan 9 Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina dari Sabah pada 16 April.
• Faculty of Chinese Medicine (FCM) organized the 2014 Malaysia International Academic Forum of Chinese Medicine on 1st May.
• FCM telah menganjurkan Simposium TCM Antarabangsa Malaysia 2014 pada 1 Mei.
• Southern UC held its 23rd Convocation for 490 graduates on June 1. Guest of honour Dato’ David Kong donated RM1m as development fund of Southern UC. Famous poets Prof. Zheng Chouyu and Prof. Edwin Thumboo have recited Chinese and English poems respectively.
• KUS telah mengadakan Konvokesyen ke-23 untuk 490 graduan pada 1 Jun. Tetamu kehormat Dato’ David Kong menderma RM1m untuk dana pembangunan KUS. Dua penyair terkenal Profesor Zheng Chouyu dan Profesor Edwin Thumboo melafazkan puisi mereka di majlis.
• Menteri Besar Johor Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin officiated the 2nd Community-initiated Iskandar Malaysia Conference (CIMC) of Southern UC on 18th October.
• Menteri Besar Johor Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin telah merasmikan Persidangan CIMC ke-2 KUS pada 18 October.
• The Southern UC 24th Anniversary Celebration was held on 8th November. The 2nd Outstanding Alumni Award has been presented to the successful entrepreneur Dato’ Vincent Tan.
• Sambutan Ulang Tahun ke-24 UC Selatan telah diadakan pada 8 November. Anugerah Alumni Cemerlang ke-2 telah dianugerahkan kepada sampaikan kepada usahawan berjaya Dato’ Vincent Tan.
• The anniversary show “Home@Southern” was held on 21st November to perform the development history of Johor Bahru. The “Southern Star” awards were presented to 6 model students for their excellent and outstanding performance.
• Pertunjukan ulang tahun “Home@Southern” telah diadakan pada 21 November untuk melakar sejarah pembangunan Johor Bahru. Anugerah “Southern Star” telah disampaikan kepada 6 pelajar berprestasi cemerlang.
• President of Hainan University Prof. Li Jianbao visited Southern UC on 4th December. Both of the parties signed an MOU to co-organise the Master in Tourism Management” (MTA) programme.
• Presiden Hainan Universiti Prof. Li Jianbao telah melawat Southern UC. Kedua-dua pihak telah menandatangani perjanjian untuk menganjuran program MTA secara bersama
• Deputy Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun witnessed the inauguration ceremony of our 9th Board of Directors and Board of Governors on 19th January 2015.
• 拿汀巴杜卡周美芬副部长于2015年1月19日为本校第九届董事会和理事会就职典礼主持监誓。
• Southern TCM Centre established “Guo Yi Tang” on 1st April. Professional consultations were provided by the well-known physicians.
• 南方中医院于4月1日成立国医堂,国内外著名中医师受邀作特约看诊。
• The Chairman of Southern UC BODs Datuk Teo Ah Khiang has been awarded the ‘Most Impactful Entrepreneur Award 2015′ on 10th April, and Tan Chai Puan was the winner for the ‘Most Impactful Cultural Achievement Award in Southern Region 2015’.
• 本校董事长拿督张文强于4月10日获颁‘2015马来西亚南马区企业影响力奖’,而行政总监陈再藩则是‘2015南马区企业影响力文化成就奖’得主。
• “Run for Southern” has been organized by the Student Union of Southern UC on 25th April to raise construction fund for the International Education Building (IEB).
• 学生总会于4月25日举办“南方义跑”为本校国际感恩大楼筹募建设基金。
• On 15th May, Southern UC has announced a series of events to celebrate 25th Anniversary.
• 本校于5月15日公布以“南方廿五,树人百年”为主题的25周年校庆系列活动。
• The 24th Southern UC Convocation was held on a large scale on 24 May, and was officiated by Datuk Lee Chee Leong on behalf of Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Minister of Transport..
• 南方大学学院第24届毕业典礼于5月24日隆重举行,拿督李志亮副部长代表交通部长拿督斯里廖中莱主持开幕礼。
• Nine Southern UC scholars joined the ‘2015 World Overseas Chinese Regional Symposium’ at Seoul National University, South Korea on 28 May.
• 本校9名学者于5月28日赴韩国首尔国立大学参加“2015年世界海外华人区域学术研讨会”。
• The Carlsberg Top Ten Charity Show jointly organised by Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press on 25th July had successfully raised a sum of RM 1,022,878 for Southern UC.
• 南洋商报与中国报于7月25日联办《十大义演》,为本校筹得1,022,878令吉发展基金。
• Southern TCM Centre launched the “Southern UC Family Discount Card” on 3rd August.
• 南方附属中医院于8月3日推介“南方大家庭优惠卡”。
• Launching of “Southern TV Studio” was held on 3rd September.
• 南方电视台推介礼于9月3日举行。
• Southern UC orginised the first Charity Golf Tournament on 16th September at Horizon Hills Golf Resort.
• 本校于9月16日在新山浩然山庄高尔夫球俱乐部举办首场慈善高尔夫球赛。
• Our Chairman of BOGs, Dr. Chong Swee Huat was awarded the ‘Malay Language Contribution Award’ by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) on 17th September.
• 本校理事长张瑞发博士于9月17日获国家语文局颁发‘马来语文贡献表扬奖’殊荣。
• The second Charity Golf Tournament was held at the Mines Golf Resort on 18th September. The two golf tournaments had successfully raised RM1.4m development fund for Southern UC.
• 次场慈善高尔夫球赛于9月18日在绿野高球俱乐部举行。两场高球赛会成功为本校筹得140万令吉发展基金。
• The Southern UC Thanksgiving Dinner held at Kuala Lumpur on 25th September has been officiated by President of Huazong, Dato’ Seri Pheng Yin Huah. Prof. Chung Chen Sun was awarded the 5th Southern Humanities Award in the ceremony.
• 本校于9月25日假吉隆坡隆雪华堂举办感恩晚宴,由华总总会长拿督斯里方天兴主持开幕仪式。大会颁发第五届南方人文精神奖予‘马来西亚现代艺术教育之父’锺正山教授。
• Southern UC celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 31st October. Celebration ceremony, humanities seminar, and a thanksgiving dinner were organised. Renowned artist Penny Tai has been awarded the 3rd Outstanding Alumni Award.
• 本校于10月31日举办《南方廿五 • 树人百年》银禧校庆庆典、校庆人文演讲及感恩晚宴。著名艺人戴佩妮获颁第三届杰出校友奖。
• The Chairman of the National Language Bureau’s Committee of DBP Abdul Wahab led a delegation to visit Southern UC on 16th November.
• 国家语文局发展各民族国语委员会主席阿都华合于11月16日率团莅访本校。
• Chairman of Board of Governors Dr. Chong Swee Huat led a delegation to China for educational visits on 23rd November.
• 张瑞发理事长于11月23日率团到中国进行教育考察。
• Menteri Besar Johor presented an allocation of RM300,000 to Southern UC on 29th November.
• 柔佛州州务大臣拿督斯里卡立诺丁于11月29日移交30万令吉拨款给本校。
• Southern UC organised the 3rd Community-initiated Iskandar Malaysia Conference on 14th January 2016.
• 本校于2016年1月14日主办第三届马来西亚依斯干达研討会,主题为《亚洲大陆“新好望角”依斯干达经济特区对话21世纪海上丝绸之路》。
• Southern UC signed an MOA with APAR IT Corporation on 3rd February to upgrade the computer facilities and establish an e-campus.
• 本校于2月3日跟APAR资讯科技公司签署合作协议,全面提升校内电脑设施及建立电子化校园 。
• Sin Chew Daily launched the 2016 Sin Chew Carnival at Southern UC on 14th May.
• Sin Chew Daily telah melancarkan Karnival Sin Chew 2016 di KUS pada 14 Mei.
• Southern UC held its 25th Convocation on 29th May for 803 graduands. Senator Dato’ Ho Kok Chung officiated the ceremony.
• 本校于5月29日举办第廿五届毕业典礼,共803毕业生。拿督何国忠上议员代表首相署部长拿督斯里魏家祥博士主持开幕。
• Ten students of Southern UC participated the 2016 Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Tour of 14 days and started on 5th June.
• 本校10名学生于6月5日参与为期14天的2016马港学生文化交流之旅。
• The Southern UC Sport Day was held at night for the first time on 1st July.
• 本校首次于7月1日举办夜间运动会。
• Southern UC co-organised the “Nanyang Mechanic War Exhibition” and “Cezi Fengbei” show on 15th August.
• 本校与马新七个团体于8月15日联办《南侨机工抗战史料展》和《赤子丰碑》歌舞剧。
• Southern UC International Education Building was presided over by Chairman of Federation of Chinese Associations Johor Bahru Dato’ Sri Teh Kim Chai on 1st September.
• 新山中华公会会长拿督斯里郑金财于9月1日为本校国际教育感恩大楼主持启用典礼。
• Southern UC hosted the 3rd Belt and Road International Symposium. Minister Datuk Sri Dr. Wee Ka Siong officiated the ceremony on 18th September.
• 本校于9月18日轮值主办第三届“一带一路:海上丝绸之路”国际学术研讨会。首相署部长拿督斯里魏家祥博士为大会主持开幕。
• Our Permanent Honorable Chairman, Late Tan Sri Datuk Kuek Ho Yao, JP was awarded the 3rd Tan Kah Kee Spiritual Award on 23rd September.
• 本校永久名誉董事长已故丹斯里拿督郭鹤尧局绅于9月23日荣膺“第三届陈嘉庚精神奖”。
• The second talk of the Southern UC Great Humanities Learning Seminar had been held at Kuala Lumpur on 31st October. Prof. Wang Lu-xiang gave his talk on ‘Chinese Culture and Silk Road’.
• 本校移师到吉隆坡举办第二场《人文大学堂》专题演讲,由王鲁湘教授主讲《中华文化与新旧丝绸之路》。
• During the 41st Anniversary Celebration held on 5th November, Southern UC presented the Outstanding Alumni Awards to six Muslim alumni who are excellent teachers.
• 本校于11月5日举行41周年校庆庆典,会上颁发第四届杰出校友奖予六位在独中任教的穆斯林校友。
• Former Taiwan President Mr. Ma Ying-jeou visited Southern UC on 15th November and gave a talk for the 4th Great Humanities Learning Seminar.
• 台湾前总统马英九先生于11月15日莅临本校为《人文大学堂》进行第四场专题演讲。
• Southern UC hosted the 4th ‘21st Century World Chinese Literature Summit’ on 19th November.
• 本校于11月19日主办《第四届21世纪世界华文文学高峰会议》。
• On 5th December, our Chairman & Deputy Chairman of BOGs, and the President had joined the ‘Delegation of Malaysia Higher Education Institution Leader to Hong Kong’.
• 正副理事长和校长于12月5日参与“大马民办高校-香港高教考察团”。
• Southern UC had announced the Development Framework of the Third 5-year Transformation Plan on 5th January 2017.
• 南方大学学院于2017年1月5日发布3368“第三个五年转型革新发展计划纲领”。
• Southern UC and Shijiazhuang College jointly organised the Hebei Spring CNY Art Show on 20th January.
• 本校与中国石家庄学院于1月20日联合举办《河北之春》新年文艺汇演。
• The first Malaysian Higher Educational Institution Chinese TEDx Conference was organised by KUS students on 18th February.
• 本校学生于2月18日主办马来西亚首个大专中文TEDx大会。
• Southern UC established the Faculty of Education and Public Welfare on 10th March.
• 本校学生总会与柔佛州华裔穆斯林协会于5月6日联合举办《健康之路•美丽人生:什么是清真?》讲座
• Southern UC jointly conducted the ‘Exhibition of Late Tan Sri Kuek Ho Yao’ with Foon Yew Alumni Association on 13th April.
• 本校与宽柔基金会与宽柔校友会联办的《附耳倾听郭鹤尧人物特展》于4月13日举行。
• Southern UC Student Union and Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association, Johor had co-organised a seminar on ‘What is Halal?’ on 6th May.
• 理事长张瑞发博士于5月10日率领大学领导层同仁到中国进行教育考察。
• On 10th May, Chairman of BOGs Dr. Chong Swee Huat led Southern UC leaders to China for an educational visit.
• 本校于5月28日举办第二十六届毕业典礼,由首相署部长拿督魏家祥博士主持开幕礼。900位毕业生领取毕业文凭。
• The 26th Southern UC Convocation has been officiated by Minister in PM Department Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong on 28 May. 900 graduates received degree diplomas.
• 本校于5月28日举办第二十六届毕业典礼,由首相署部长拿督魏家祥博士主持开幕礼。900位毕业生领取毕业文凭。
• The Aesthetic Treatments and Hairdressing Training Centre jointly operated by SITE & CITISPA Group had been commenced on 7th August.
• 南方技职学院与CITISPA集团于8月7日联合开办的美容及美发教学中心开始启用。
• Southern UC Alumni Association hosted the ‘Alumni Go Home Dinner’ on 12th August.
• 南方大学学院校友会于8月12日举办《校友一起回家联欢晚宴》。
• On 9th September, Southern UC had signed a MOA with Yayasan Sultanah Fatimah and JIOS Academy to conduct the “Johor e-Entrepreneurship Training Program”.
• 本校、苏丹后法蒂玛慈善基金和JIOS Academy三方于9月9日签署“柔州网络新创业培训计划”合作协议。
• On 21st October, Southern UC’s former Deputy Chairman, the late Dato’ Tan Liang Soong was awarded the Tan Kah Kee Spiritual Award.
• 本校前任署理董事长已故拿督陈联顺于10月21日获颁陈嘉庚精神奖。
• The 42nd Southern UC Anniversary has been celebrated on 28th October. The ceremony awarded the 5th Outstanding Award to Dato’ Dr. Ching Eu Boon.
• 本校于10月28日欢庆四十二周年校庆。会上颁发第五届杰出校友奖予拿督郑有文博士。
• On 31st October, 8 FAD students went to Nanjing, China to participate the 9th Education Information & Innovation Final Competition and won six awards.
• 艺术与设计学院的八位学生于10月31日到中国南京参加第九届教育信息化发明创新总决赛,并赢得六份大奖。
• The 2nd Malaysia-China Belt &-Road International Conference co-organised by Southern UC and Huaqiao University has been held at Huaqiao University, China on 24th November.
• 由本校与中国华侨大学联办的第二届马中一带一路:海上丝绸之路国际学术研讨会于11月24日在华侨大学举行。
• Dato’ Vincent Tan was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors on 1st January 2018, becoming the 5th chairman of Southern UC.
• 拿督陈洺臣于2018年1月1日接任董事长职位,成为本校第五任董事长。
• On 18th January, the Chairman of BODs, Dato’ Vincent Tan led Southern UC delegation to visit Country Garden Vocational College in Guangdong, China.
• 1月18日,董事长拿督陈洺臣率团到广东碧桂园职业学院进行教育考察参访。
• Goh Lai Chai was elected as the 12th Alumni Committee president in the AGM of Southern UC Alumni Association that held on 27th January.
• 南方大学校友会于1月27日召开会员大会及选举第十二届理事,吴来财当选新任会长。
• Tan Sri Kong Hon Kong presided over the opening ceremony of the Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Education Centre on 9th February. He has generously donated RM1m to Southern UC.
• 2月9日,丹斯里拿督邝汉光为本校丹斯里邝汉光教育中心主持开幕仪式。他慷慨捐献100万令吉作为本校建设基金。
• Southern UC launched the Psychology Lab on 9th March.
• 本校于3月9日举行心理学实验室推介礼。
• On 26th April, EXCO Datuk Tee Siew Kiong handed over the Johor State Government grant of RM500k to Southern UC.
• 拿督郑修强州行政议员于4月26日代表柔州政府移交50万令吉拨款予本校。
• Eight hundred and sixteen graduates attended the 27th Convocation Ceremony that was presided by Datuk Woon See Chin on 27th May 2018.
• 本校于5月27日为816位毕业生举办第27届毕业典礼,由拿督云时进主持开幕礼。
• Southern TCM Centre and World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) co-organised the 10th International Academic Exchange Conference of Paediatrics of Chinese Medicine (IAECPCM) on 24th July 2018.
• 南方中医院与世界中医药学会联合会于7月24日联合举办“第十届中医儿科国际学术交流大会—马来西亚分场”。
• Southern UC held the International Confucianism & Entrepreneurship (ICE) Forum on 10th August 2018.
• 本校于8月10日举办2018国际儒商论坛。
• Southern UC held its 43rd Anniversary Ceremony and the Thanksgiving Dinner on 27th October. Tan Kai Hee was awarded the 6th Southern Spirit of Humanities Award.
• 本校于10月27日举行43周年校庆庆典及校庆感恩晚宴,颁发第六届《南方人文精神奖》予陈凯希先生。
• Southern UC and Huaqiao University, China co-organized The 3rd Belt and Road Initiative: Maritime Silk Road (BRI: MSR) International Conference on 10th November 2018.
• 本校与中国华侨大学于11月10日联办第三届一带一路:海上丝绸之路国际学术研讨会。
• Southern UC conducted the Open Day on 1st and 2nd December 2018.
• 本校于12月1-2日举办招生开放日。
• The Board of Directors set up a New President Selection Committee then held a selection meeting on 4th January 2018.
• 董事会成立新校长遴选委员会,于1月4日召开遴选会议。
• Southern UC was awarded the ‘Outstanding Higher Education Institution Award’ by the Sin Chew Education Award 2019 on 25th January 2019.
• 星洲日报于1月25日举办2019星洲教育奖颁奖礼。本校获颁‘杰出大学院校奖’。
• Southern UC jointly organized the ‘Pertandingan Teater Membaca Hikayat 2019’ with Education Department of Johor and Sultan Ismail Library on 23rd February 2019.
• 本校配合国家语文局、柔州教育局和苏丹伊斯迈图书馆于2月23日主办“2019名著导读比赛”。
• On 11th March, Prof. Dr. Teh Geok Bee was appointed as the 3rd President of Southern UC.
• 郑玉美博士履新,于3月11日出任本校第三任校长。
• The 28th Southern UC Convocation was held on 9th June for 824 graduates and was presided over by Deputy Minister of Education Puan Teo Nie Ching.
• 本校于6月9日举办第28届毕业典礼,共824位毕业生,由教育部副部长张念群主持开幕。
• A lecture on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Trade of Malaysia-China was held on 28th June.
• 6月28日,举办一带一路与马中经贸讲座。
• Johor EXCO Puan Liow Cai Tung officially launched the Southern Lactation Room on 1st July.
• 廖彩彤州行政议员于7月1日为本校哺乳室主持推介礼。
• BODs members visited Dongzong on 23rd August. Both parties had signed an agreement on ‘CIS Teachers Training Programme’.
• 董理事于8月23日率团访董总。双方签署了“华文独中师资培育专案奖学金计划”合作协议。
• Southern Run 2019 was conducted on 21st September and it attracted 1200 participants.
• 2019南方义走于9月21日举行,吸引1200人参与竞赛。
• On 18th October, Teo Chee Yaw contributed RM300,000 to set up the ‘Southern UC-Teo Chee Yaw Bursary’.
• 张自游于10月18日捐献30万令吉设立‘南方大学学院-张自游奖助学金’。
• Southern UC organised The Great Wine Dinner on 25th October, and successfully raised an education fund of RM5m.
• 本校于10月25日举办‘总统红酒慈善晚宴’,成功筹得500万令吉教育基金。
• The 4th Malaysia-China Belt &-Road International Conference jointly organised by Southern UC and Huaqiao University was held from 13th to 15th November.
• 本校与中国华侨大学于11月13-15日联办第四届马中一带一路:海上丝绸之路国际学术研讨会。
• Southern UC family raised RM48,887 fund and handed over the fund to Seri Alam Foon Yew High School on 25th November.
• 南方大学学院同仁为宽中至达城分校筹得RM48,887建校基金,于11月25日移交捐款。
• The 44th Southern UC Anniversary Luncheon was officiated by EXCO Tuan Jimmy Puah on 30th November.
• 本校于11月30日举办的44周年校庆午宴由潘伟斯州行政议员主持开幕。
• Southern UC organised the Malay Language Teaching Workshop for 24 teachers who are from Chinese independent schools on 30th November.
• 本校于11月30日为24位独中教师举办马来文教学工作坊。
• On 9th December, our President, Prof. Teh Geok Bee led a delegation to visit the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hang Seng University.
• 12月9日,本校校长郑玉美教授带领马来西亚民办高校香港考察团到香港中文大学及恒生大学进行考察。
• Twenty-two teachers from Chinese independent schools participated the English Language Teaching Workshop organised by Southern UC on 10th December.
• 本校于12月10日主办英文教学工作坊,22位独中教师参与。
• Southern UC conducted the Open Day on 28th and 29th December.
• 本校于12月28-29日举办招生开放日。
• Southern UC Upgrading Working Group held the 2020 first preparatory meeting on 20th January 2020.
• 升格大学工作委员会会议于2020年1月20日召开今年度第一次筹备会议。
• On 7th February, MP Tuan Lim Kit Siang presented the Finance Minister’s Allocation of amount RM2m to Southern UC.
• 林吉祥国会议员于2月7日代表财政部长移交2百万令吉拨款予本校。
• On 18th February, Southern UC President Prof. Teh Geok Bee led a delegation to the Ministry of Higher Education to consult on matters related to upgrading to the University.
• Presiden KUS telah mengetuai delegasi ke Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi pada 18 Februari untuk berunding mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan kenaikan taraf universiti.
• Malaysia has implemented a movement control order since 18th March. Southern UC adjusted the teaching method according to the change of the situation.
• 马来西亚于3月18日行抗疫动管制令。校方根据时局变化对教学方式进行相应调整。
• On 1st June, Southern UC and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China jointly offered a Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (dual award).
• 6月1日,南方大学学院与中国天津中医药大学合作开办中医学学士(双文凭)
• On July 21, Southern UC held a networking banquet with the leaders of the major Chinese associations in Johor Bahru.
• 本校领导同仁于7月21日跟新山中华公会、新山中华总商会及五帮领导进行联谊晚餐。
• President of the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) Tan Sri Goh Tian Chuan shared his leadership and experiences in the 28th “Entrepreneurial Leader Seminar” held on 4th August.
• 华总会长丹斯里吴添泉于8月4日在本校“企业家大讲堂”第28场专题讲座中分享其企业经验和心得。
• Dato’ Steve Chong has presided over the opening ceremony of the Southern TV Studio on 25th September.
• 大马七大乡团协调委员会主席拿督张润安于9月25日为南方电视台摄影棚主持开幕礼。
• The Southern UC University Upgrading Committee submitted the upgrading application to Ministry of Higher Education on 5th October.
• 本校升格大学委员会于10月5日到高教部呈交升格大学申请文件。
• On 1st December, the Ministry of Higher Education held an online briefing for our upgrading application. President Prof. Teh Geok Bee presented the report on behalf of Southern UC.
• 12月1日,高教部为本校举办升格大学线上汇报会,校长郑玉美教授代表本校进行汇报。
• On 6th December, Southern UC announced the 11th Board of Directors, together with Dato’ Vincent Tan as chairman.
• 本校于12月6日公布第十一届董事会阵容,拿督陈洺臣蝉任董事长。
• On 21st January 2021, Southern UC has been graded as 4 Stars “Competitive University College” in the 2018/2019 SETARA Assessment.
• 2021年1月21日,本校在马来西亚高等教育级别评估制之2018/2019评估中荣获四星“具竞争力高校”评价。
• Southern UC broadcasted the “Bulls and Spring Art Exhibition” on 23rd January.
• 本校于1月23日线上直播辛丑年《新春牛转乾坤艺术特展》。
• The Entrepreneurial Leaders Seminar Series (ELSS) #30 was held online on 31st March. President of ACCCIM, Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap shared his experiences on “The Values and Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs”.
• 本校于3月31日线上直播《企业家大讲堂》第30场专题演讲,中总会长丹斯里戴良业主讲《应势而为,勇于担当:谈企业家的价值观与社会责任》。
• On 24th April, Southern UC launched the Foon Yew Village Retired Teachers’ Enrichment Programme to fulfill the university’s social responsibilities.
• 本校于4月24日推行宽柔学村退休教师增广计划,履行大学社会责任。
• On 30th April, Southern UC launched another university social responsibility campaign. Twenty-five re-furbished computers were donated to the Foon Yew Computer Programme Students.
• 本校再于4月30日推行公益活动,捐献了25台复新电脑作为启动宽中清寒学生电脑计划用途。
• The Cultural and Social Service Committee met on 7th May to develop the scope of operations and plan for near-term activities.
• 文化与社会服务委员会于5月7日召开会议,制定作业范围及规划近期活动。
• On 2nd July, Southern UC signed the Solar PPA with Ditrolic Energy Solution S/B to save on electricity bills through a green energy-saving programme.
• 本校于7月2日跟Ditrolic Energy Solution S/B签署太阳能供电合约,通过绿色节能计划来节省电费开销。
• On 9th August, Chairman Dato’ Vincent Tan received an allocation of RM500k from Menteri Besar Johor.
• 董事长拿督陈洺臣于8月9日接领柔州州务大臣移交的50万令吉拨款。
• JDEC signed an MOU with Southern UC and another three business associations on 18th August to co-organise online marketing courses and assist graduates in workplace matching.
• 8月18日,柔佛州数码经济中心与本校及三个商团组织签署合作意向书,联办线上网络营销课程及协助应届毕业生作职场配对。
• Southern UC signed an MoU with Malaysian Social Entrepreneurs Foundation (MSEF) on 15th October. MSEF would provide RM500k grants to our students.
• 本校于10月15日跟马来西亚社会企业家基金签署谅解备忘录。该基金为本校学生提供50万令吉思源奖助学金。
• Southern UC held the 29th ‘drive thru’ Convocation on 16th October.
• 本校第廿九届毕业典礼于10月16日通过得来速方式进行。
• On 18th October, Southern UC launched another university social services program through donating 112 books to the Johor Bahru Foon Yew Alumni Association for its charity sale.
• 本校于10月18日再次推行大学社会服务计划,这次捐献了112本书予新山宽柔校友会作为义卖用途。
• On 20th October, Southern UC held a seminar to brainstorm ideas for the Fourth Five-year Development Plan.
• 本校于10月20日举办脑力激荡讨论会,针对第四个五年发展计划进行集思广益。
• On 31st October, Southern UC held an online signing ceremony with Hanshan Normal University.
• 本校于10月31日与韩山师范学院东南亚华文文学研究中心举行合作备忘录签署仪式。
• On 26th November, Southern UC and the Huaqiao University of China jointly held the 5th Malaysia-China Belt and Road International Conference.
• 本校与中国华侨大学于11月26日联合通过线上召开第五届马中一带一路:海上丝绸之路国际学术研讨会。