SIIF2024: A Spectacular Achievement!

We are thrilled to announce that Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has achieved remarkable milestone by winning the Gold Award at the Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF2024), held at the Convention & exhibition Center (COEX), Seoul Korea. Additionally, the team was honored with a Special Award from National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), demonstrating the acknowledgement of their achievements.
This prestigious international competition was held from 27th – 30th November 2024 and organized by the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA). As the third largest platform in the world, SIIF provides a stage for the inventors and researchers to showcase new ideas and products to manufactures, inventors, distributors, firms and the public.
Our team stands proudly alongside with other 519 inventions and innovations from 32 countries around the world. Other participations from renowned institutions in Malaysia included the Ministry of Defense Malaysia (MINDEF), The Institute for Medical Research (IMR), The Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), University Putra Malaysia (UPM), University Teknology Petronas (UTP), Universiti Teknology Malaysia (UTM), University Teknology Mara (UiTM), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and CRAUN Research Sdn. Bhd.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated team led by Mr. Leong Kah Meng, Mr. Chan Bun Seng, Asst. Prof. Ts. Dr. Kang Eng Siew, Asst. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Vasanthan Maruthapillai, Mr. Tan Teck Siang and Prof. Dr. Hishamuddin along with the enthusiastic contributions of students; Ng Khai Le, Ngeu Chee Hau @ Yeo Chee Hau, Siew Zi Yang and Tung Khai Yen.
This achievement reflects the exceptional innovation and dedication of our lecturers and students, advancing engineering and contributing to human well-being. Join us in celebrating this remarkable accomplishment and congratulating the entire team!

SIIF 2024:卓越成就!🎉👏
电机与电子工程系在2024年首尔国际发明博览会(SIIF 2024)中取得了辉煌的成就。凭借一项创新项目赢得金奖也荣获了泰国国家研究委员会(NRCT)特别奖项,彰显了国际对团队成就的高度认可。
在本届展览会上,我们的团队与来自32个国家的519个发明和创新同台竞技,表现卓越。同时,马来西亚的多个著名机构也参与了此次盛会,包括:马来西亚国防部(MINDEF),医学研究所(IMR),马来西亚核能机构,马来西亚农业研究与发展研究所(MARDI),马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM),马来西亚科技石油大学(UTP),马来西亚工艺大学(UTM),马来西亚玛拉工艺大学(UiTM),马来西亚砂拉越大学(UNIMAS),CRAUN Research有限公司
我们衷心感谢敬业的讲师团队,讲师团队由梁佳明讲师,陈百胜高级讲师,江英秀 助理教授,陈德祥高级讲师,Asst. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Vasanthan Maruthapillai 和Prof. Dr. Hishamuddin组成。同时,我们也感谢黄凯乐同学,杨志浩同学,萧子洋同学,陈楷元同学的积极贡献。
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