FHSS and FEIT Joining Hands in Charity Initiative

On 10 December 2024, the students from Department of Journalism and Communication Studies (DJC) and Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), Southern University College organised a collaborative charity activity. This initiative was part of the creative project as fulfillment of Principles of Public Relations subject and successfully donated essential supplies worth RM 900 for Pusat Jagaan Wargatua Coral Elderly Home Care Centre.

This charitable act enables students to apply knowledge into real life experience, sharpen their organizational and coordination skills while contributing to social welfare. By giving support to the community, students are deeply motivated with social responsibility, appreciate the values of love and sharing. Around 30 students actively participated in this initiative which was led by Mrs. Lah Wan Yee, Senior Lecturer. In future, Southern University College will continue to nurture students’ holistic development and bring more warmth and support to the community.

2024年12月10日,南方大学学院传播系和工程与信息技术学院的师生携手发起了一次爱心筹款活动,并将RM 900的善款购买急需的物资给老人院与残障人士服务协会。此次爱心行动旨在让学生将课堂知识与实际行动相结合,锻炼他们的组织协调能力,同时为社会公益事业贡献一份力量。通过这次活动,学生们为社区贡献了实际帮助,同时也在服务社会的过程中获得了宝贵的实践经验,增强公益意识,让他们深刻体会到爱与分享的意义。
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