Faculty Message
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Signed a MOU with IEM
On 25th August 2022, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (DEE), Southern University College, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Institution of Engineers (IEM) at the Asean Federation of Engineering Organisations ( AFEO) Mid Term Welcoming Dinner. Southern UC is the first private university to sign MOU with IEM in Johor.
The Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme has been accredited by Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA) and Engineering Technology Accreditation Council (ETAC) since 2007. The Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours programme has been accredited by Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC) since 2017.
The MOU was signed by Prof. ChM. Dr. Teh Geok Bee (President, SUC), Mr. Chan Bun Seng ( Head, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SUC), Prof. Ir. Dr. Norlida Buniyamin (President of IEM) and Ir. Thayala R Selvaduray (Chairman of Southern Branch IEM). The signing ceremony was witnessed by Datin Janice Teh Hwee Tiang (Vice Chairman of BOD, SUC) Mr. Mok Chek Hou (Chairman of BOG), Datin Ang Chin Fan (Vice Chairman of BOG), Ir. Wong Yee Fong (Immediate Post Chairman of Southern Branch IEM), Dato’ Ir. David Lee Hoke Hai (Post Chairman of Southern Branch IEM).