The Faculty of Art and Design at Southern University College Organized a Special Sharing Session

The Faculty of Art and Design at Southern University College organized a special sharing session on December 17, 2024, featuring JJ Chan and Camie Lim, founders of Wonderfood City (M) Sdn Bhd, as the speakers. The event aimed to inspire students to boldly plan and optimize their future paths, encouraging them to pursue their dreams despite external opinions.
During the session, JJ shared in-depth insights into the challenges she faced, the successes she achieved, and the valuable lessons she learned throughout her entrepreneurial journey. As a multimedia design graduate, JJ mentioned that her success in the business field today is the result of years of experience and continuous efforts to overcome challenges. JJ engaged students in a fun and interactive manner, prompting them to reflect on their dreams and envision their post-graduation plans. She encouraged students to embrace the endless possibilities of their aspirations, emphasizing that what may seem unattainable now could become achievable in the future. She urged students to courageously pursue their own paths and refine each step along the way without giving up easily. Additionally, JJ recorded a special video to promote the Faculty of Art and Design at Southern University College.
To further enrich the session, Master Thomas Chiam, founder of LifeQuest Training Sdn Bhd, joined as a special guest to deliver an inspiring talk on “Birthdate Decode”. He guided students through numerology to help them understand themselves better and gain clarity on their personal and professional paths.
The event was met with great enthusiasm, with students actively participating and engaging in meaningful discussions with the speakers. The insights shared sparked inspiration and left students feeling motivated and prepared for their future careers.
At Southern University College, we are committed to bridging the gap between design, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. We will continue to provide students with enriching opportunities to connect with industry leaders and gain real-world knowledge for their future endeavours.

南方大学学院艺术与设计学院于2024年12月17日举办了一场特别的分享会,邀请了Wonderfood City (M) Sdn Bhd的创始人JJ Chan和Camie Lim作为主讲嘉宾。此次活动旨在通过分享宝贵的创业见解,让学生勇于规划及优化未来的道路,不畏别人的眼光实现自己的梦想。
在这次的分享会中,JJ深入分享了他在创业路途上所面临的挑战、取得的成功及经验。作为多媒体设计毕业生, JJ坦言现在在商业领域的成功不仅是多年的历练,也是不断挑战的经验所造就的。 在互动环节中, JJ以趣味性的方式让学生们回想自己的梦想,并预想毕业后所要做的事情,鼓励学生们梦想是无限的可能, 因为现在看似遥不可及的梦想在未来是可能实现的。他也希望学生们能勇敢地选择自己的道路,并优化每走的一步, 不要轻易放弃。此外,JJ还特别录制了一段视频,用以推广南方大学学院艺术与设计学院。
为丰富本次活动的内容,LifeQuest Training Sdn Bhd的创始Master Thomas Chiam也受邀作为特别嘉宾,为学生带来了一场题为《解码生命数字》的启发性讲座。他通过讲解数字命理学,引导学生更好地了解自我,从而在个人与职业发展道路上获得更多清晰的方向。
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