
The Evolution of Digital Layout: Crafting Dynamic and Adaptive Designs for The Digital Age

We are proud to announce that four distinguished lecturers from the Faculty of Art & Design at Southern University College have been invited as Visiting Professors and Practitioner Lecturers at the University of Brawijaya, Indonesia! Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Ts. Dr Teo Pei Kian (Faculty Dean), Ms. Ong Ei Lin (Deputy Dean), Asst. Prof. Dr Tan Si Min (Department Head), and Ms. Tan Su Huey (Programme Coordinator). This exciting collaboration is formalized through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Implementation Agreement (IA), covering key areas like the Visiting Professor Programme, Curriculum Discussion, Collaborative Research, and Community Service. A new chapter in academic exchange and partnership!

我们很荣幸地宣布,南方大学学院艺术与设计学院四名讲师受邀为印尼国立大学University of Brawijaya 的客座教授及实践讲师,为当地的学生们带来跨国际的学习体验。恭喜艺术与设计学院院长赵佩娟助理教授、副院长王依琳、系主任陈思敏助理教授、及课程协调员陈思蕙。 这次的合作项目是通过双方签署的合作谅解协议书及执行协议书正式达成的。除了这次的客座教授及实践讲师计划, 双方也将在各个方面进行学术合作,包括课程讨论, 研究合作,社区服务等相关领域,南方大学学院艺术与设计学院开启跨国际学术交流与合作新篇章。

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