
Space-Out Competition 2024

We have the Champion of Space-Out Competition 2024! 🎉
After an intense “stillness showdown”, the competition reached 1 hour and 29 minutes, leaving only four participants remaining. Finally, based on evaluations of their heart rate stability, the Space-Out Champion 2024 was crowned! 👏✨
🏆2024 Space-Out Champion:Chong Yu Shuang(B230033A)
🥈Runner-Up:Wong Li Shi(B230283C)。
🥉2nd Runner-Up:Tan Yu Huan(B240225C)。
“Spacing out” is a self-protective and regulatory mechanism for the brain. Through this competition, we hope to help participants alleviate exam-related stress and enjoy a moment of mental relaxation. What’s even better? Here, spacing out isn’t frowned upon—it’s rewarded with cash vouchers!
A heartfelt thank you to all participants for their enthusiastic involvement and to the audience for their tremendous support! This year’s competition not only highlighted the participants’ perseverance, endurance, and focus but also demonstrated the unique power of stillness.
We look forward to more exciting moments next year! Who knows? The next Southern Space-Out Champion might just be you! 🌟

2024年发呆王诞生! 🎉
经过激烈的“静止对决”,比赛进行至 1小时29分 时,场上仅存四位参赛者。最终,我们测量他们的心率波动,终让2024年度发呆王荣耀诞生!👏✨
期待明年,我们再见更多精彩瞬间!也许下一个南方发呆王就是 你!🌟
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